The Franco Debono saga, culminating and anti-climaxing today, was a lesson in naivety from all parties concerned. It was naive to actually believe that Franco Debono would hold his ground and vote out the government. He has huffed and puffed before but never did he blow the house down. And he never will because there is, simply put, too much at stake for him. That was a lesson not learned by PL exponents and media, including independent media, who built up the tension or hype and planted the idea that elections are now inevitable. Having said that, I do not believe that Joseph Muscat was immature in calling for such a vote.
It is also ludicrously naive to think that this was some victory for PN or government. This was a motion of no confidence in government. Constitutionally this motion has failed to pass. But only just. And to believe that a 34-34 tie means business as usual or that Labour lost is absolutely insane. That is like telling me that I should dump all reason, logic and intelligence in the toilet and pull the flush. The political ramifications of being saved by the Speaker of the House in a vote of no confidence are clear enough for those who are not blind and guided solely by partisan zeal and idolatry. Gonzi's government did not lose but it came out more bruised than it ever was. There is no stability or certainty in a government that is literally hanging by a thread. Therefore, I do not believe that PL (and also AD it seems) have been arrogant to state that the PM should call for early elections.
It is also naive, and here is the crunch, for Franco Debono to believe that those who failed in the administration of government will now assume responsibility; that the infamous 'clique' will magically disappear; that transparency, accountability and individual or collective responsibility will become the order of the day; that all the hate will be supplanted by intelligent criticism. 4 days of constant rosy rhetoric and nauseating propaganda in Parliament by government ministers is proof enough of the mentality that everything (save for a few, isolated and half-hearted utterances of "we're not perfect") is just dashing. And hey, if it's not broke, why fix it? This is why I believe that, save for a few short-term cosmetic changes, there will be no deep-rooted and profound constitutional and democratic changes which Franco Debono has been harping about.
Just as it is naive to think that the Maltese do not want an election (that would actually be a historical cultural shift that should keep anthropologists and sociologists busy). Fact of the matter is that it is the Nationalist Party which does not want an election. And again, the reasons why, are clear for all to see. Nor is Labour fully ready for one.
The rest, as they say, is history.