Busuttil is right

MEP Simon Busuttil is right when he states that “In Malta the Labour Party shuns immigration and plays the veto card, but in Brussels the Socialists play a different tune and want to give migrants voting rights.” In any case, I am glad that migrants, living in the EU for five years are to be given the right of free movement and to participate in the democratic process, albeit in local elections.

The Labour Party would have emerged a true winner if it had the decency to adopt a policy on immigration that clearly stresses the democratic and humanist politic of migration, such as the recognition that migrants do have a dynamic role to play in Europe, the need for integration and the spirit of a welcoming environment plus the right for democratic participation. At the same time it could have made the very reasonable emphasis that "integration is very much a two-way process, and also requires adjustments on behalf of the population of the host state"whilst emphasising also on the need for solidarity at a European and global level.

Instead it chose to play to irrational sentiments of alarm and panic whilst hiding under that awful notion we all know as "the national interest" to garner a vote or two from disillusioned hardcore nationalists and those who unfortunately believe that migrants are coming to destroy Malta. Whilst it could prove to be an ingenious move in terms of political strategy, the end result is that it is completely out of synch with European progressives and socialism in general on this issue.

EDIT: Labour MEPs did in fact vote against the 'right to vote' clause which admittedly proves the party's consistency on the issue. I wonder if they knew however that the right to vote was not vis-a-vis illegal immigrants but legal migrants such as refugees. The sad matter is that it baffles me as to why they are in the PES. Their actions give the impression that a European progressive majority is a threat to Malta.

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2 Responses to Busuttil is right

Edric Micallef Figallo said...
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Edric Micallef Figallo said...

You definitely know that I wouldn't agree with the ideological direction you seek for the country (and beyond), but you can be rest assured that I appreciate someone that highlights that PL is not coherent to its leftist identity, even moreso it is not coherent with the one that Joseph Muscat sought to propose at the time of his leadership campaign and immediately thereafter.

I wanted to point what you pointed out yourself, but being myself a right-winger and a Nationalist it could have easily been construed as a mere attack on Labour (indeed, I don't mind attacking Labour and I hope no one sincerely expects me not to for I would let him down big time).

You are a coherent leftist who is truly progressive ideologically speaking, a PL delegate and a young Labourite. You also had supported Muscat in his leadership race. That means that you're ideologically and intellectually honest enough to bring forth an exposure of the inconsistency of Muscat's Labour on these issues. An exposure that is sound and proper. I knew there had to be proper leftists out there that due to their ideological identity did not approve of Muscat's recent attitudes and directions.

You should be commended for the courage to speak out.

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